Friday, 13 March 2015


Is obsidan stone? As we all know stones that are on earth comes from rocks magma.magma liquid is present in the earth's crust magma can get out of the ground when the exit merapi.magma eruption reaches the earth's surface is called lava. The lava then called will freeze and form into stones will be buried in the old stone and even thousands of years in advance bumi.rock stone that is still frozen called igneous rocks. someday this rock can be destroyed by various faktor.such as: hot weather and rain, the development and activity of living organisms and grow and animals and rocks that have been destroyed carried away by water, wind, plants or animals later in endapkan. deposition of these rocks to stone sedimen.batu-sedimentary rocks can also change back into another stone as a result of factors of temperature and air pressure metamorphic rocks higher..its called. and stone obsidan including one frozen raw STONE FORMATION OBSIDAN This type of igneous rock formed from mineral lava.lalu trapped in the earth's surface so that the flow to be cooled or frozen too quickly through the glass transition temperature of tapa have enough time to form this happens cristal.karena pengkristalan.maka natural stone such as glass so that The call also vulkanik.stone frozen glass contains 70% OR MORE silicon dioxide (Si02) less than 1% water content of about 10 percent lower segar.kuarsa and orthoclase (potassium feldspar) 1/8 of the total feldspar. igneous rock types are included in the group of rhyolite rocks (igneous rock having the character of acid) and geranit aphanitic textured fine grained minerals and sightings parallel with each obsidius igneous rock found in the mountains of ancient roman vesuvius.maka of the name of rock named for its discoverer. obsidan stone color is black, red, clear, sometimes also some yellow.

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