What is referred to as the Stone Combong generally have characteristics are hollow. Many of these types can indeed be encountered in various sellers stone ring on the sidewalk. For example, in the sales center agate stones in Jatibening, Jakarta.
According to the author, these rocks generally have very low levels of hardware, which is between 5-6 Mohs. Can be regarded as fragile stone.
The problem is, is it true that all the stones with holes in the middle of the old store of its own, particularly for pellets or grace?
During this time, not a few people who are looking for Stone Combong because tuahnya. They strongly believe this will be good luck stone. Although this model is our rock encountered in the market, but to find a truly magical, it is very difficult. Anyone who crave Stone Combong, then he must know exactly where that is natural and what is false. Moreover, in this age of increasingly sophisticated, anything can be replicated and can even aslinya.Disamping exactly the same as that, we must fully understand the character of this stone material. Therefore, all Stone Combong derived from materials that have a water element, including;
1. quartz or Boxwood: This stone comes from the rock material times or mountains that have a mix of yellow color orange. Stone with characteristic like this has 3 prestige / ruwas stone; 1. Prestige of Solomon; 2. Prestige Water thistle; and 3. Prestige Collono (seamless).
2. Yemen Java: The material comes from the freezing water and has a characteristic black color. This stone has 2 prestige: 1. Prestige Honey; and 2. Prestige of Solomon.
3. Angkik: Materials of this stone comes from the rock. And used to have a white lard or fat. This stone has an assortment of prestige. Such as: Uric fibers, Uric thistle, Uric Wells Bandung, Uric Cempaka, and others.
As characteristic for selecting combong original stone, please follow these tips:
- Held heavy and urate stones in it has fibers.
- Hole found on the stone is natural, not artificial, as filed or contrived various shapes of holes. The original is not the case.
- In-shaped hole rough and not smooth.
Experts agate and natural mustika found behind the beauty of the original stone Combong generally there is an other scientific material. For example, expert opinion masonry Indonesia, Ir. Sujatmiko. In his research, he mentions has found irregularities in a rock material that is full of holes.
In the Stone Combong that he saw through a magnifying glass, many saw mkhluk life. But some of what type. What is certain in the stone inhabited several species that are difficult to understand by our intellect.
Could it just luck or is real? Wallahu'alam. But according to the supernatural world, Stone Combang original was in the power that comes from supernatural beings. The creature lives within a stone ring. Is It True?
Through this short article, Mystery try unmasked the secret of good luck stone Combong through the teachings and knowledge Masyaikh People of Wisdom earlier.
It is said, at the time of the Wali Songo, Stone Combong widely used as a measure of the time clock to perform the obligation of prayer. The Guardian understands Stone Combong at that time under the name "Tuloq Measure" (Stone Estimator). This stone will be the timing of the incoming sunlight passing through the hole.
Just after the Guardians find other, more simple way of determining the time / istiwa, Stone Combong converted into a small stone grinding through the hands of the Wali Allah called by the name of the Java Angki Sih Pingalem (Agate Java preferred). Perhaps this is the name of origin, so that this stone had good luck or berkhodam.
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