Friday, 13 March 2015


This black turquoise stone teryata only in Indonesia .. Cariu daeah precisely in western Java masarakat around call with metal btu's not just black and turquoise stones there are also stone yemen when in translucent red flashlight


THE GREEN OF WEST SUMATRA (jade RIVER dareh) One of the flagship products of Dharmasraya District, West Sumatra, is stone jewelry craft moss. This beautiful stone greenish be targeted agate hunting lovers from various places. Not only from within the country, the collector ring stone of any foreign hunt precious stones of this type of jade. Moss rock in the local dialect is called 'rock lumuik Dareh River' which is derived from Batang Hari River is known as the stone of high quality jewelry. As stone jewelry in general, stone lumuik is processed from raw stone obtained from the riverbed. Raw stone is then cut, shaped using a grinder, and finally crushed. Stones that have been smoothed are then paired as jewelry stones in rings, bracelets, necklaces, and so on. The quality and price of a stone is determined on quality lumuik sparkle, style is in the stone, and the glow that dipantulkannya. In addition to stone lumuik, Batang Hari River waterfront area is actually still have some other type of stone rings, which are distinguished by color. The stones of which is a kind of 'lime manih' (sweet orange) colored bright yellow, 'Cempaga lime manih' reddish, and 'amethyst Sumatra' purple. However, that became the target number one of Dharmasraya is lumuik stone. Lumuik stone has become the pride of the community and government Dharmasraya. 'Stone lumuik Dareh River' has become the trademark registered as an official origin Dharmasraya craft products. This jewelry stones also seemed to have become a symbol of identity for the community Dharmasraya whose function like 'identity card'. In fact, they are using a presumption arises stone jewelry lumuik surely people of Dharmasraya or person who had stopped at Dharmasraya.


Synthetic stone is a duplicate of natural stone because it has exactly the same chemical composition, hardness is also identical, difference with Natural Stone is the author. Natural stone made by nature with a very long time while Stone Sintetic made by humans in the laboratory. Laboratory famous make synthetic rock is Chatam in America. Examples of names of synthetic stones: 1. Natural Sapphire >> King Sapphire 2. Natural Ruby >> Red Siam, American Star 3. Natural Emerald Green Emerald >> 4. Natural Cubic Zirconia Diamond >> Moissanite IMITATION If imitation stone is totally different from the original, this is only an imitation stone alone. for example, mimic the color. Sometimes it is also made of plastic or glass.


Satam Stone, Stone Aged Millions of Years There Only in Indonesia There are souvenirs typical of rock that can be brought if they travel to the East Belitung, Bangka Belitung. Satam stone name. Unique stone is black with distinctive veins that supposedly is the result of natural processes on reaction meteor collision with a layer of earth containing high lead millions of years ago, quoted from Occurrence Process: 1) Approximately 780,000 years ago a large asteroid hit the Earth in the South China Sea (probably in the Gulf of Tonkin). This asteroid moving from northwest to southeast and rammed earth with a small angle collisions. 2) At the initial stage of the collision, the kinetic energy of the asteroid that crashed into the earth to melt and deliver momentum to the upper layers of rock in the earth's surface (such as sand and mud) in the collision. 3) the melt layer, consisting of rock melts, leaving the Earth's atmosphere and broke into stone semi-liquid form small dots (globules) called "tektite". These globules form a ball, dumbbells or tears, depending on the speed of rotation that occurs during the formation of tektites stone or stone satam it. 4) Stone Satam spherical, dumbbells and tear cools quickly, so fast that they form a glass (similar to glass, but not pure, like in a bottle of wine or beer modern). 5) Approximately five to six minutes after a collision with an asteroid occurs, the ball is now freezes and becomes a solid start re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere and crashed in the Pacific. 6) For Stone Satam was reentering the Earth's atmosphere at high speed, the friction force was experiencing heat the front of this stone. 7) When the glass is heated with uneven (large temperature difference between the front and rear), it will break. Like pouring boiling water into drinking glasses. 8) The front of Batu Satam will form small fragments. These pieces are also enhanced by the intense pressure due to a slowdown in speed. 9) cosmic speed carried by the momentum of this Satam Stone will eventually decrease and the outbreak of the rock will also be reduced. 10) Because of this Satam stone will fall to the earth by gravity with a more vertical movement. 11) On earth Stone Satam carried by river water and possibly eroded. 2) At the end of Batu Satam be incorporated with sediment deposition are usually also contain lead (eroded from geothermal deposits associated with granite intrusions). 13) In berporositas high piles of sand, fresh water will very slowly carve the stone Satam. Paper-thin cracks (formed because the glass was heated when re-entering the Earth's atmosphere) will be enlarged and formed a small trench-shaped U. Note that this U-shaped trench is formed only in the heated section, the front of Batu Satam (Tektite). The back of this Satam stone remains as the original, spherical.


Meaning color gemstone according to personality Sometimes, there would not, like it or not, we are tied to a specific color. Likewise with gemstones. The choice of color gemstone us, can show our personality. Here are some color gemstones and personality showed. Red 1.colour personality shown: has a strong passion bold strong-willed energetic 2.colour Blue personality shown: wisdom strong spiritual be patient strong self control Yellow 3.colour personality shown: wealth optimistic self confidence intellectual Green 4.colour personality shown: prosperity fertility luck peace be patient 5.colour Pink (Pink) personality shown: feminism soft love White 6.colour personality shown: holy as it is Cheap associate perfectionist 7.colour Black personality shown: hard independent


Is obsidan stone? As we all know stones that are on earth comes from rocks magma.magma liquid is present in the earth's crust magma can get out of the ground when the exit merapi.magma eruption reaches the earth's surface is called lava. The lava then called will freeze and form into stones will be buried in the old stone and even thousands of years in advance bumi.rock stone that is still frozen called igneous rocks. someday this rock can be destroyed by various faktor.such as: hot weather and rain, the development and activity of living organisms and grow and animals and rocks that have been destroyed carried away by water, wind, plants or animals later in endapkan. deposition of these rocks to stone sedimen.batu-sedimentary rocks can also change back into another stone as a result of factors of temperature and air pressure metamorphic rocks higher..its called. and stone obsidan including one frozen raw STONE FORMATION OBSIDAN This type of igneous rock formed from mineral lava.lalu trapped in the earth's surface so that the flow to be cooled or frozen too quickly through the glass transition temperature of tapa have enough time to form this happens cristal.karena pengkristalan.maka natural stone such as glass so that The call also vulkanik.stone frozen glass contains 70% OR MORE silicon dioxide (Si02) less than 1% water content of about 10 percent lower segar.kuarsa and orthoclase (potassium feldspar) 1/8 of the total feldspar. igneous rock types are included in the group of rhyolite rocks (igneous rock having the character of acid) and geranit aphanitic textured fine grained minerals and sightings parallel with each obsidius igneous rock found in the mountains of ancient roman vesuvius.maka of the name of rock named for its discoverer. obsidan stone color is black, red, clear, sometimes also some yellow.



Stone Kalimaya or also known as the opal is a gemstone that has the optical properties of the stone is unique because it can display the colors of the rainbow are constantly changing depending on sudUut One area in western Java Banten province precisely, is producing region very beautiful opal stone. Beautiful sparkling stone is better known as Kalimaya Banten. Kalimaya stone is mined in Lebak, Banten. so far, opals opal origin is the best offerings in the world because it has a great variety of colors compared opal from Australia mining region, Africa, or Latin America. Spoilerfor Kalimaya mining areas: Stone Kalimaya origin of the Valley has advantages over other countries in the world. Therefore, the excess stone Kalimaya Lebak, besides the color does not disappear, it is also very charming if you see different colors, such as black, brown, yellow, purple, and blue with the colors of the rainbow. Kalimaya Banten has kind of colors, including, Kalimaya white, green crystal, crystal rainbow, tea and coffee, rainbow, as well as milk crystals. All kinds of colors Kalimaya has its own charm, also radiant rainbow colors may vary. That excess gem Lebak origin. Kalimaya coal producers in Lebak regency spread in District Maja, Sajira, and Cimarga because those areas are Kalimaya mine veins. to get a gemstone is done with traditional exploitation, ie digging a hole under the ground up to tens of kilometers. according to local miners, If there Kalimaya rock underground, it will be visible rays. Opal stone Kalimaya of Banten is one of the most precious stones are sought. Banten opal prices are relatively more expensive than the African and Australian opal. This is probably because there is terexploitasinya sources opal gemstone deposits in Banten Banten opal deposits or indeed limited. Precious stones market in Indonesia began in 2008 in a bomb opals from Africa with a fairly affordable price. However, if I may in the comparison in terms of color and beauty of Banten opal much more beautiful and charming. A number of stone merchant Kalimaya in Bitung Rangkas admitted that the current demand for stone Kalimaya high enough so that many visitors who come to the transaction up to tens of millions of dollars. According to one of the merchants, he claimed to have sold the stone Kalimaya the developed color is worth 40 million dollars, fantastic! For a candidate not the one with the rock collector whose name Dublet or Dablet, because this is Dablet synthetic stone, which is similar to the stone Kalimaya. The difference is if Dublet tend essentially dark color (usually brown) and the colors are very striking. This is due to the effect of artificial coloring. In line with the class, not difficult to find this Kalimaya stone. But when looking for a really good quality of the rust DNG kebeningannya, consumers must be willing to hunt in the trade center agate Rawa Bening (Jatinegara) patiently. One-one actually slipped buy Stone Dublet earlier. Opal stone requires special care and attention unlike other precious stones. Rock this one is easily broken if not careful in wearing it. Violence opals only about 5-6 moh scale. Approximately 5-6 percent part of the opal is the water that seeps into the microscopic holes. In the dry state once opals can crack and break by itself. Therefore, these stones sometimes be moistened with water or baby oil. Besides its beauty, Kalimaya not far from the efficacy and myth .Opal used to look at the possibility, helping a person has the capacity to share love and to improve mental stability. The Arabs believed that opals fell from heaven as many lightning, of Opal had a fiery color. In the old days Opal is considered as a symbol of honesty and confidence. Opal is very powerful in magic rituals. Because quality opal contains all the colors of another birth, may be used or filled with energy and strength from the combination of all birthstones, also used to replace another birth mentioned in spells, rituals or other purposes of magic. Often associated with the virtual nature and astral projection, also used to recall past lives (each color represents a life from the past). Opal has the ability to heal, especially to increase mental capacities such as creative imagination, the power of the mind that has not been used so far. In terms of health Opal is believed to assist in the assimilation of protein. Fire Opal is often used in fundraising activities for the needy, usually worn as a pendant with a gold necklace, surrounded by 10-12 Diamond, believed to have the power to collect money that is great. Black Opal is the tool of choice witch / magic, used to improve the reception of the magic / magic and also highlight their strengths. Black opals worn near the heart as a necklace made of gold said to be cast out demons, to protect people from the evil eye, protect travelers in the journey to a distant place. Opal has also been used as a magic potion to heal the body, expel a nightmare and as a tool to increase energy. White Opal if used at night when the full moon rituals, said bringing the power of the Goddess of the Moon for the achievement of hope for those who carry it out. Opal is highly appreciated in the Middle Ages, known as ophthalmios or Stone Eyes, due to the widespread belief that Opal is useful for sensory vision and cure eye diseases. Berrambut blonde woman wearing opal necklace to protect from the loss of their hair color. While the Black Opal stone valued as a good luck in life activities.